Event History :: 2007
ATTENDED :: [ 20 Events :: 103 Shows :: 87 Artists | 57 new ] | ||||||
Date | # Event | # Show | Artist | [Country] City | Venue | |
2007⋅12⋅26 | 93 |
578 577 576 |
Unheilig Welle:Erdball Obscenity Trial |
[DE] Hannover | Capitol | Christmas Ball |
2007⋅12⋅22 | 92 | 575 | Der Fluch | [DE] Hamburg | MS Stubnitz | Ghostship |
2007⋅11⋅10 | 91 |
574 573 572 571 570 |
Hocico Spetsnaz Proceed Ashbury Heights Din [A] Tod |
[DE] Hamburg | Markthalle | out of line Festival |
2007⋅11⋅09 | 90 |
569 568 567 566 565 |
Hocico Spetsnaz Proceed Ashbury Heights Din [A] Tod |
[DE] Leipzig | WERK 2 (Halle A) | out of line Festival |
2007⋅11⋅02 | 89 |
564 563 562 |
Neaera Deadlock Maintain |
[DE] Hamburg | Fundbureau | |
2007⋅10⋅21 | 88 | 561 | Sigur Rós | [DE] Berlin | Admiralspalast | Acoustic Set before the Preview of "Heima" |
2007⋅09⋅29 | 87 |
560 559 558 557 |
Thee Flanders Damage Done by Worms The Tazmanian Devils The Jumblers |
[DE] Leipzig | Conne Island | Psychobilly Ratpack |
2007⋅08⋅25 | 86 |
556 555 554 |
Kraftakt Projekt Altmark Electros [a] - synchron |
[DE] Magdeburg | Factory | EBM Summerbreeze |
2007⋅06⋅03 2007⋅06⋅02 |
85 85 |
553 552 551 550 549 548 |
Editors muff potter. Flipsyde Shinedown Avenged Sevenfold Trivium |
[DE] Nürburg [DE] Nürburg |
Nürburgring Nürburgring |
Rock am Ring Rock am Ring |
2007⋅05⋅28 2007⋅05⋅27 2007⋅05⋅26 2007⋅05⋅25 |
84 84 84 84 |
547 546 545 544 543 542 541 540 539 538 537 536 535 534 533 532 531 530 529 528 527 526 525 524 523 522 521 520 519 518 517 516 |
The Cassandra Complex Fixmer/McCarthy Dismantled Heimatærde DIVE Proceed Tamtrum Adam The Crüxshadows The 69 Eyes Suicide Commando Rabia Sorda Punto Omega Tyske Ludder Angelspit PreEmptive Strike 0.1 UnterART Vive la Fête Front 242 Psyclon Nine Rotersand Orange Sector Absurd Minds Les Anges de la Nuit Angels & Agony The Retrosic Absolute Body Control Fetisch:Mensch In Strict Confidence Pzychobitch Kosmic Horrör NVMPH |
[DE] Leipzig [DE] Leipzig [DE] Leipzig [DE] Leipzig |
Kohlrabizirkus AGRA-Halle Parkbühne AGRA-Halle AGRA-Halle WERK 2 (Halle A) |
XVI. Wave-Gotik-Treffen XVI. Wave-Gotik-Treffen XVI. Wave-Gotik-Treffen XVI. Wave-Gotik-Treffen |
2007⋅05⋅02 | 83 |
515 514 513 512 |
Funker Vogt Dioxyde Noyce™ Legacy of Music |
[DE] Zwickau | BPM Club | |
2007⋅04⋅27 | 82 |
511 510 509 |
Funker Vogt Dioxyde Noyce™ |
[DE] Hannover | Musikzentrum | |
2007⋅04⋅14 | 81 |
508 507 506 |
Rise Against The Bronx Cancer Bats |
[DE] Leipzig | Werk II (Halle A) | |
2007⋅04⋅13 | 80 |
505 504 503 502 |
Deadlock Heaven Shall Burn Neaera Six Pound God |
[DE] Leipzig | Conne Island | |
2007⋅04⋅05 | 79 |
501 500 499 |
Kommando XY Sequenz-E Projekt Altmark Electros |
[DE] Salzwedel | Hanseat | |
2007⋅03⋅10 | 78 |
498 497 |
Rabia Sorda Necessary Response |
[DE] Berlin | K17 | |
2007⋅02⋅17 | 77 |
496 495 494 493 492 491 490 |
Suicide Commando Armageddon Dildos Dupont Run Level Zero Painbastard Menticide (f.k.a. Volt) Amnistia |
[DE] Magdeburg | Factory | 8. Electro Attack |
2007⋅02⋅01 | 76 |
489 488 487 486 |
Feindflug Tyske Ludder Cyborg Attack Supreme Court |
[DE] Leipzig | Hellraiser | |
2007⋅01⋅27 | 75 |
485 484 483 482 481 |
Kirlian Camera Illuminate Frank the Baptist Atargatis Burn |
[DE] Magedburg | Factory | 2. Oscuro Festival |
2007⋅01⋅20 | 74 |
480 479 478 477 476 |
Welle:Erdball (as Feindsender 64.3) Sin Seduction Profane Finality Sepia Divamee |
[DE] Leipzig | WERK 2 (Halle A) |
Gothic Aid Benefiz Festival Welle:Erdball played a "Leap in Time-Concert" |