Sangre de Muerdago Collection
This is a tribute dedicated to the Galician Folk band SANGRE DE MUERDAGO.
On this site I'll try to list every version of each release I own with details.

SANGRE DE MUERDAGO is the creation of Pablo C. Ursusson. Musician, composer, painter, sculptor, lyricist, free soul and traveller of the forests and the seven seas, together with different guests and collaborators that include Georg Börner, Erik Heimansberg as main collaborators at the moment.


SANGRE DE MUERDAGO has been around for some years and a legend is following them already...
Some say they grow leaves on their heads instead of hair, some say the live in the woods with the wolves and some even say they talk to the moon and laugh together in the long winter nights.

SDM is an expression of gratitude, a healing experience, the sound of a Folk band with moss on their skin and mud under their feet. They take folk music to such a magical level, and with it, they summon the four winds, our oldest memories and melodies, and the wild fires.

The legend says they've played over 200 concerts in the last few years, that brought them on 12 international tours through over 20 countries. Places as far from each other as Portugal, Finland, Croatia, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, USA, England, Taiwan, Hongkong or Canada... always conquering the souls of those chosen ones that witnessed any of their performances.

Some say they've seen SDM playing in a mausoleum, some say they've seen them playing on a boat, or in a train, or in a brewery, or in the deep forest, and some say they've cried every tear out of their soul while seeing them performing. Some say as well that SDM have appeared in a few important festivals around Europe and North America. And some even say they've seen them coming back from the Otherworld from playing music with the old Galician gods.

The legend continues on growing, and the SDM musicians, keep on delivering the most magical of the musics. After releasing 4 LPs, 2 Split LP, a 10'' and many songs on compilations all around the world, on labels from Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, USA or even China.
Some say they even have their own label, and they do most of the work by hand.

Some say that SANGRE DE MUERDAGO are now stronger than ever, presenting their last album through dozens of countries, and carrying with them guitars, hurdy-gurdy, flute, Celtic harp, nyckelharpa, drums, bouzoukis, and a good bag of otherworldly melodies...

Or, is it only legend?
Versions    Collection
RELEASES : 61  : 26
 » Demo : 1  : —
 » Sangre de Muerdago : 9  : 1
 » Deixademe Borrer no Bosque : 12  : 2
 » Nas Fragas do Río Eume : 1  : 1
 » Braided Paths : 2  : 1
 » Lembranzas dende o Lado Salvaxe : 2  : 1
 » O Camiño das Mans Valeiras : 8  : 4
 » Sangre de Muerdago : 1  : 1
 » Os Segredos da Raposa Vermella : 5  : 4
 » Vagalumes : 5  : 4
 » Noite : 6  : 4
 » Sangre de Muerdago / Monarch : 3  : 2
 » Xuntas : 6  : 1


 » Website
 » Bandcamp
 » Facebook
 » Boue Records
 » Darkfolk Organisation
 » Iconoclast Records
 » Neuropa Records
 » Pest Productions
 » Stonehenge Records
 » Throne Records
 » Discogs
Just click on a cover to go to the release page. (In progress...)